The Value of Purpose

  Purpose is one of the main themes of our ministry. We talk about it all the time. And after over fourteen years of going into jails and prisons and interviewing hundreds of inmates, I am convinced that without it, they won’t make the changes necessary to succeed. Whereas with it, they can accomplish more than they ever dreamed possible. 

Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT)

For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” 

The toughest part for those who are incarcerated is the reminder every day of where they are and what they’ve done to get there. This is especially true for those who have decided to change their lives and follow the ways of God. These are men and women who attend our classes, participate in our correspondence course, and have surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ. But the guilt, shame, and discouragement of their past mistakes oftentimes hinders their ability to really believe and embrace the idea that they still have a purpose. 

      As history teaches us, people with purpose can accomplish amazing things, overcome enormous obstacles, and achieve beyond their own comprehension. Having purpose helps us do more with less, keeps us going when we want to quit, keeps us steady when we want to waver, and helps us push through when the discouragement of others attempts to hold us back. With purpose, fear, stress, and anxiety no longer dominate. Purpose can defeat depression.  

     However, it is critical to understand that our purpose must be inspired and grounded by God. A self-planned purpose will fall apart at some point; it will never bring true fulfillment. Regardless of achievements and the applause of this world, a self-planned purpose always ends up being not enough. Whereas a God-founded and God-motivated purpose will continually grow and refresh us and carry us along with it. Even if our purpose looks small and unimportant in the eyes of this world, we know God thinks otherwise. We know He values obedience and faithfulness over achievement, and that there is nothing His children are called to that is small and unimportant in His eyes. 

     So where do we begin with purpose? Our first is to become a child of God: to learn about Him and develop our relationship with Him. Knowing, loving, and obeying Him will bring us the understanding we need to identify His purpose for us. As we follow Jesus Christ, making Him Lord of every part of our lives, we will begin to see that He is actively at work in us at all times, right where we are today. The purpose is not necessarily in accomplishing some great feat sometime in the future. The process along the way is the purpose. Regardless of whatever it is we’ve been called to do it is one day at a time; one task at a time; one step of faith and obedience at a time. This is the kind of purpose that brings true satisfaction and joy. 

     Every person in prison who comes out with this God-inspired purpose can succeed, regardless of their past. Everyone remaining in prison with this God-inspired purpose will grow and flourish despite their location and circumstances. 

     How do they learn about this God-inspired purpose? How do they learn to stay the course? Well, that is where we enter the picture. We help teach them how to enter into relationship with God and how to follow His purpose for their lives. We come alongside. We cheer them on.

     For those who are released, some thrive in the workplace, some start their own businesses, and some start their own ministries helping others come out of what they came out of. For those still inside, they become missionaries right where they are. They are men and women of prayer. They lead by example and become anchors for others who are just beginning their journey with God. Prison has a culture all its own. And these missionaries on the inside know how to operate within that culture for God’s purposes. They are able to break through the barriers and bring the Good News to those who wouldn’t receive it otherwise. They are truly light in darkness for these lost men and women.  

     In this season of Thanksgiving, we want to thank you for your prayers and support in helping us bring the truth of God’s purpose to our brothers and sisters in prison. 



